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ISCA Thursday Super Cup Series v2.png


Mission - To create the cleanest, most competitive and enjoyable experience on the iRacing platform




Minimum League Requirements:  Class A License, 2000+ iRating, SR 3.0+


Mindset - Drivers that want to compete at and against the best drivers in an effort to put on a good race and to continue to better yourself as a driver.


Vison - To have to best drivers on the service race in a true Nascar environment.  This includes the Points System, the Playoffs (for the Super Cup Series), Stages and the Team dynamic of having multiple drivers from the same team.


Culture - This league is NOT like the Class A Open and NIS Official races where if you make a mistake, you shrug it off and try again in the next race.  If you do not race clean you will be penalized, sit out races and ultimately be removed from the league.  This league comes with a different mindset.  Race as hard as you can but ALWAYS within your ability and your car’s limits with your competitors enjoyment in mind at all times.  Riding around caution laps and/or with a broken car is not fun for anyone.



  Long green flag racing.

  Respect for your fellow competitors.

  Give and take.

  Race within you and your car’s setup ability at all times.


To enforce those expectations will we adhere to the Penalty System.  Please read and understand it if you have not already.


If this is the mindset of all our drivers, I promise you the most enjoyable racing experience online.

League details

Nascar Class A Cup Series Cars

     NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen Toyota Camry

     NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

     NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen Ford Mustang


Follows the Nascar Series Schedule
  We will run during the off weeks as well but they will not be points races


Class A Open Setups


62.5%  Race Lengths  (Est 2 to 2.5 hrs)

Stage Racing

100% Fuel Tank

Dynamic Weather, Dynamic Sky

Sim Date:  Same as the NASCAR race.

Sim Time:  Same as the NASCAR race.

Random Track State

x2 Time Acceleration


Thursday Nights

  Practice starts at 8:30 pm ET

  Qualifying/Race starts at 9:30 pm ET
  Grid Time:  Time between Qualifying and Race will become fixed @ 5 min. 

       During this time I setup the automated race control, give a brief overview of the race details and play the National Anthem.


1 G/W/C attempt


No Fast Repair


Tire Limits:   Road Courses - 3 sets of tires
                      Super Speedways  -  4 sets of tires
                      Speedways  -  6 sets of tires
                      Short Tracks  -  7 sets of tires

Clean Racing enforced by Penalty System.  



All races will be Broadcasted Live on Twitch, YouTube and Facebook.


Entry fee / prizes

Entry Fees  
The entry fees go towards the broadcast fees and league administration.  

They are also meant to ensure everyone has a little skin in the game to promote participation and good conduct on the track.


There are several ways to submit Entry Fees

     $80     2025 Super Cup Season  (Daytona through Phoenix)
     $25     10 race pass


Group Discounts
Teams of 4 get a 5 dollar discount per driver when joining together for the Full Season.  Use promo code TEAM25



ButtKicker is back with us to support the SuperCup Series by offering a ButtKicker Gamer Plus to the SuperCup Series Champion.


Join League

1 - Read and understand ALL League Information above


2 - Meet Requirements.

     Class A Open License, iR 2000+, SR 3.0+ are pre-approved and may apply and send Entry fee.

     All others must apply to league and be approved before submitting Entry Fee

          *      Please include your iRacing Name in the comments section of the payment.

          **    Also, include your car number choices in order of preference in the payment comments.


3 - Click on the “iRacing League Page”  link below.  Then click on the Members tab.  Then click on the blue “Apply to This League” button and then "Apply Now"

If using the new iRacing UI.  Click on Leagues, Find a League and search us by number "3914"  ISCA - Thursday Cup Series


Join our ISCA Discord Server with the link below and change your Nickname to match that of your iRacing Name.  We use the Discord server to talk to drivers during the broadcast.

(Since iRacing message system is pretty much broken.  Discord is our primary communication means)


Additionally - Let me know if you are interested in helping with the league administration


Entries received after 6:00pm ET the night of the race may not be accepted for that nights race.


2025 Rule book

Championship Points System

Current NASCAR Points System

     1st place 40pts  

     2nd place 35pts

     3rd place 34pts


     36th place and below earn 1pt


Stage Points   (for the Cup and Super Cup Series)

   Stage points will be added to the race result points

   +10    points for stage winner

   +9      for 2nd place

   +8      for 3rd place


   1         for 10th place stage finish


The Championship Points will be determined by the total points from all season races.


Provisional Starts

We will count all races but, you will be able to receive 6 provisional starts for the 36 week SuperCup Series.  Provisional Starts will earn you 20 points.  Provisional Starts will automatically be awarded for your missed races as long as you are still an active member of the league and haven't use all of them.


Super Cup Playoff Points System

The 26 Race Regular Season Championship Points will be determined by the total points from all regular season races.


PLAYOFFS - 16 Driver Playoff System, following current NASCAR system

  *Win and you are in but, must be in the top 26 in points 

  *Must have raced 14 races to qualify


Playoff Points

     5   Playoff Points for a Win

     1   Playoff Point for each stage win


    15  Points to 28 Race Regular Season winner

    10  Points to 2nd place in Regular Season Standings

      8  Points to 3rd place in Regular Season Standings


      1  Point to 10th place in Regular Season Standings


After the Regular Season the Points will be reset to 2000 plus any Playoff Points you earned during the Season.

Playoff Points are carried over to each Playoff round except the last race.

Top 12 Advance to 2nd round and points reset to 3000 plus Playoff Points

Top 8 Advance to 3rd round and points are reset to 4000 plus Playoff Points

Top 4 Advance to final race and points are reset to 5000.

Final Race - No stage points are earned by top 4 drivers, highest finisher wins Championship. 
Drivers eliminated from the Playoffs will have their point's reset to 2000 plus all points gained during Playoffs for final standings.


team Points System

Team Points will tracked to add some Team competition.


Team Points will be awarded for each race in the SuperCup Series.


​Only the highest points scoring member of each team's points will be used as the points for that team that week.

This gives smaller or solo Teams an equal oppurtinity.

Driving penalty system

The goal of the Driver Penalty System is to ensure clean racing and maximize enjoyment of all drivers.  


Netcode:  We all know it exist.  Here is how the ISCA governs around it.
Netcode does not RANDOMLY happen.  It is caused when iRacing percieves / predicts contact based on the data it has / recieves.  We all drive in a virtual world, not a real world.  I expect everyone to drive in this virtual world in a manner to avoid causing Netcode.  When Netcode contact does happen and causes an issue, fault for the incident will be base on who contributed to causing the Netcode contact.

Not all contact generates a penalty.

Triggers resulting in Penalties are as follows:


1)  Failure to maintain control of your car causing a caution by

          a) Self spin/crash

          b) Sliding back onto racing surface

          c) Stopping on the track

          d) Equipment failure

          (.5pt if no other driver was involved)


2)  Making contact causing You or another Driver to

          a) Spin / Loose Control causing other contact

          b) Hit the wall

          c) Leave the racing surface

          d) Receive excessive damage greater than 30 sec repair


3)  Blatant Disregard for other drivers  ( This will add an additional .5pt to the incident)


4)  Causing a Caution within 2 laps after the Start or Re-start of the race.

     ( This penalty will add an additional .5 pt penalty point to the incident.)


5)  Failure to slow to avoid or prevent another incident after the caution is waved.


6)  Causing incidents on pit road 


​7)  Intentional wrecking.  This comes with an automatic 3 penalty points and a race suspension.


8)  Any other situation causing Race Admin to intervene in race to ensure race integrity



For each penalty you receive, you will receive an @ Fault Penalty if it is found to be your fault.  If it was determined to be a racing incident you will both receive .5pt which will add to your Penalty Status.


@ Fault Incidents are a record of how many incident points you have received.

Penalty Status is your current penalty status.


Penalty Status 3  [ >= 3 points ]

          This comes with a probation period.  During this period, you will be given an EOL at the start of the race .            You will be removed from probation when your Penalty Status falls below 3 again.


Penalty Status 4  [ >= 4 points]

          You will remain on probation and may be suspended for a race.


Penalty Status 5 classification [ >= 5 points]

          If allowed to continue past a P4 status and you are a P5 at the end of the race,

          you may be suspended for 3 races if not removed from the league.



All incidents will be reviewed immediately after the race by at least 3 people to ensure fair judgement. 

You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the incident review process in the Race Review channel after the broadcast has been complete.

All penalty decisions are final but you may request clarification on why the penalty was given.  Please check the Race Results to see the penalties given for that race and the Standings for the current penalty status.   If you are to receive a penalty that puts you into a P3 or greater status, you will be notified via Discord prior to the next race.

Penalties and enforcement of them may be made by admins during the race for drivers with P3’s or greater.


Penalty Status Reduction

     For each incident free clean race you race (0x), you will reduce your Penalty by .25

     For each race you race without getting a league penalty you will reduce your Penalty by .25

     (ie. If you race an incident free race without receiving a league penalty, 

     you will reduce your Penalty by .5 point)

Participation rules

The goal of the Participation Rules is to set the manner in which the ISCA expects drivers to conduct themselves.  Some of these rules have Penalties associated with them to deter actions that degrade the quality of the league.  In those cases, Points will be deducted from your Championship Points if you are found to have broken those rules.



Registration is open throughout the season as long as we don't have more than 40 drivers.  I do not allow new members to start their first race at Daytona, Talladega, and Atlanta.  (Except for Full paid members for the Daytona opener)



I encourage Team participation in the ISCA, but starting in 2025, teams will be limited to 4 driver teams.  If you are on a larger team, please separate into smaller teams.   Each Team will be used when calculating Team Points and making Team channels in Discord.  You may more than 5 members in your Team channel but, no more than 4 Drivers in each Team Channel.



The website is the Primary location for Series Information including Schedule, Standings and Results.
Discord is our Primary means of communication and information on a day to day basis. 

Discord is used for the Team Channels during the Broadcast.  If you are on a multicar team, ISCA does require you to use Discord and use an ISCA Team Channel provided for you.


After Race Procedures: 
If you were involved in an incident, you are required to either
1)  Attend the Race Review immediately after the broadcast in the "Race Review" channel.
2)  Send me a DM in Discord 
     a)  admitting fault,
     b) taking partial blame
     c)  explain why it's not your fault


I encourage all drivers to participate in the review process.  It is hands down one of the best learning tools you can get.  It alone is worth your entry fee.  So, don't pass it up.


Custom Paints: 

We encourage custom paints via Trading Paints.  If you have a car with Custom numbers, make sure it is marked as a custom number paint in Trading Paints and it matches your league approved/assigned number.  Your painted number must match your assigned number.  If not, you will be warned once.  After being warned and it is not fix for the next race, you will be penalizedThree or more races without the correctly painted number, your points will not count.​​



race control

​​​We use iRacing Race Control for Cautions and in Sim Race Penalties

Black Flags: 

Black Flags will ONLY be cleared by request for 1 reason.  (Otherwise, do not ask)  

     1)  if you are spun through the pits as a result of an accident you did not cause


Stage Cautions:
Stage cautions will be thrown when the leader crosses the Start/Finish at the end of the specified Stage lap.  Points will be awarded based on last position update before the caution is thrown.  Race until the Caution has been thrown.


If a caution comes out within 5 laps of the designated stage lap, that will be the end of the stage.  (ie.  If Stage end was designated as lap 25 and a caution comes out on lap 21,22,23,24 or 25 that will be the end of the Stage.  If a caution comes out on lap 20 or before, there will be a restart before the stage ends.  If for any reason the caution laps are extended and do not allow for 2 laps of racing before the normal stage end, the stage end will be extended to allow for a 2 lap run. 


Starts / Restarts:  

Races start on Green Flag. 
iRacing Restat Zone is enabled

Leader has lane choice.  If not inside, choice must be announced clearly as we get to “1 to Go”
You must stay in your lane until the Green flag waves.

Choose Rule:  

We will implement the Choose Rule.  Since we don't have a choose cone, we will use the Gieco restart zone.  As we go from "Pacing" to "Two laps to Green", you MUST be in single file in the MIDDLE lane or center of the track.  At the end of the "Two laps to Green" lap, coming to the Gieco Restart zone, you must definitively make your lane choice inside the restart zone and must exit the restart zone in the high lane or low lane.

This will cause some black flags which will be cleared by Race Control on the first lap after the restart.  This will ultimately also cause black flags that should not have been cleared to be cleared as well.  

Admin Note:  If you get a black flag during the pit process, iRacing should give you an EOL before the restart and those will not be cleared until after we go green.  So, you will still be penalized to some extent.


Catching the field with "One to Go":  

If you are at the back of the pack trying to catch the field with “1 to Go”, CATCH the pack.  You do not have to "Wait" for a car to pass you.  Get in line as fast as you can.  Remember though.  You must MATCH pace of the car in front before passing and also must remain in your correct lane prior to Green Flag.  This could cause a black flag but it will automatically be cleared by Race Control after the restart.


Pit Road Procedures: 

You must not drive through more than 3 pitboxes on entry to your pit box.   

You must not drive through more than 1 pitbox on exit.

Under Yellow, you are expected to stay in the rightmost lane until turning into your pitbox. 

Under Green Flag, you do not have to adhere to the rightmost lane

You must not impede access to a drivers pit stall.  Cars on inside/left must yield.
Failure to do any of these could result in a penalty


Connection Issues:
Blinking will be tolerated as long as your car does not disappear for more than a second multiple times a lap.  In this case, you are no longer described as blinking but described as disappearing or jumping around unpredictability.

When this happens, you will be asked by Race Admins to 
1)  Drop to the end of the field and fix your issue under the next caution.

2) If you would be in jeopardy of being lapped, you will be asked to pit and fix your issue.

You will have 1 chance to fix your issue.  If you return to the track and continue to disappear or jump around unpredictability,  you will be disqualified from the race. â€‹


Rules Penalty system

The goal of the Rules Penalty System is to deter actions that either gain an unfair advantage or cause others to be at a disadvantage or degrade the quality of the league. .  Points will be deducted from your Championship Points if you are found to have done or caused any of the following.   These penalties will not explictly be reviewed but will be upheld and applied if Race Control is made aware of the Rule Violation.



 - 5    Changing lanes before the Green Flag.  You must stay in your lane until after the Green Flag

 - 5    Jumping the Restart.  ie. Not slowing to match pace on restart before proceeding to pass

 - 5    You must not drive through more than 3 pitboxes on entry to your pit box.   

 - 5    You must not drive through more than 1 pitbox on exit.

 - 5    You must stay in the rightmost lane until turning into your pitbox.  (Only under Yellow Flag) 
5    You must not impede access to a drivers pit stall.  Cars on inside/left must yield.

 - 5    Impede other drivers from pitting in a timely manner (ie causing drivers to loose a lap).  â€‹â€‹ 

 - 5    Excessive chat not related to the race event.  In-Sim Chat should be for Race communications only,

          not today’s gossip.

-10    Not fixing your Custom Number Paint after being warned.

-10    Making contact with Lucky Dog causing him to lose it while pacing.

-10    Causing repeated delayed restarts​

-10    Excessive foul language or arguing (TBD by Race Admin)


DQ'd     Not fixing your Custom Number Paint after being warned multiple times.  â€‹

DQ'd     Not fixing your Connection issue after being warned​


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